Sunday, August 14, 2011

Great News!!

So anyone who reads ths blog probably already knows that I entered in a nail art contest on YouTube a little while. And if you are new to my blog I posted the video in my blog from July 30, 2011. Also you can visit my YouTube channel. It is in my description, my channel name on there is xPrincessAmanda.

Well the results are in and I found out that I won!! I really had no idea that I would! it was my first ever entry in a nail art contest and there were so really awesome designs. Anyways, I am so excited.

Here is the design that I created.

Also here is the YouTube video that announces the winner.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

I can Officially Make GOOD Nail Tutorials!!

SOOOO I have an Evo Shift, it is the only electronic in my possession right now that can record video, the problem is that the video file type is not compatible with Final Cut, which is the editing software that I use.

SO! Last night i downloaded some kind of conversion software and I tested it out on a little video that i took of my boyfriend driving a Back-Ho and it worked!!

RIGHT NOW I am shooting my first (good quality) Nail Tutorial!! I am literally writing this as I let the nail dry between coats! :D I am so excited!

Stay tuned and I will post it when I'm done.
(hopefully I get some followers on my blog soon) ;P haha